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Something New (Making It Happen)

Hi guys,

There are a couple of new things coming up in my life. One, I will announce in a couple of weeks! The other is something I’ve been looking at getting involved in but have been on the fence to do. I want to start a Wedding Planning business. The only thing is I wouldn’t know how to go about it. Ideas for when it comes to the wedding I am confident in. It’s the process to actually get started. My father in law was telling about the different managements into building this work. Such as: managing the people, managing the time/schedules, managing the vendors, and the budget. I’ve already had these thoughts in the back of mind and I’m pretty good at handling the ‘upfront’ and ‘hands on’ aspect of running this business. It’s the “business” part that I have no clue on approaching. I know building a website/logo is also a key, but what next…where do I go from there…

If there is anyone out there (especially other wedding planners) that can give me tips on how to start wedding planning or direct me somewhere. I would very much appreciate it. Little tips and advice will go a long way. If you happen to live in the Hampton Roads VA area and is a personal wedding planner. I would love to be an assistant and shadow your work ethic. PLEASE contact me or comment below with an email I can contact you with. I would be so grateful for any help! 🙂

Thanks so much,



Wedding Plans

1001 Things Happy Couples Know About Marriage: Wedding Plans Part 1

1. You need to know that marriage is more important then the wedding. And requires more planning.

For those getting married, FANTASTIC! Congratulations to you both for finding each other in this big world. I do advise that before taking the next big step in your relationship. Talk about your plans after marriage. Ask each other, ‘what’s next?’ Before planning your wonderful wedding, talk about life and what you see in each other and what you can do for each other as a married couple. Remember that weddings are one day out of a whole life ahead that awaits. It’s easy to plan for a day or a couple of events prior to the Big Day, but a whole life time takes more patience. My husband and I talked through out our dating stage, and even while being engaged (and still as a married couple), about marriage and what a family should be based on our values. Even after marriage, talk about different values of marriage and the challenges it may face in your relationship.

2.You need to know your relationship will be sanctified. 

Whether you are religious or not marriage is a blessing. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves when people don’t take marriage seriously (there are people out there I know that got married because they think it was a good idea or it only benefitted them). Marriage is blessed with all your witnesses and celebrated with those you love.

3. You need to know you’re promising “till death do you part.” Not “till the good times end.”

Another reason people get divorced so easily (especially in todays world where everyone just wants to give up when the going gets tough). I can’t stress enough how hard marriage is. It is not like the “dating stage” or even the “honeymoon stage,” where everything is always sunshine and rainbows. {Where there are little petty fights here and there, and it is very easy to get over it because that couple might not live together so they don’t have to see each other 24/7}. Marriage is getting on each other nerves, having someone in the opposite sex and total different mind set live in the same roof, having petty fights but still having to see each other in passing, going to bed angry, and lots of miss communication. A lot of people give up their marriage because one or two times of maybe trying to fix it. Then still hasn’t worked out the way that person wants. There will always be one, two, three, four, even fifty chances to give to the person you love. It’s finding those reason to always stay. A strong marriage is based on how hard you work on the bad times that come along the way. Sometimes it means exchanging something important for yourself for that special person. My husband and I have had a rough start in our relationship. Especially him being in the military, it’s not easy. Then him being deployed made it harder. There is a lot of work to put into building a family. Make sure both parties are ready to put in the work, no matter what.

4. You need to know to marry for character more than for good looks or money. Okay, a little more.

I don’t believe when people say, “I don’t go for looks when they see a person.” Physically (unless you are blind), when a person sees another they are infatuated with, that first initial attraction comes from looking at them. After that, then yes, being with someone for character and being more attracted to them because of qualities a certain person possesses, is choice. In an average real world, marrying  for looks or their money will not make a person happy. Humans are made to interact with each other, not objects. Superficial things may keep someone happy for a little while, but not in the long run. Find someone that is based off the same values and understandings in a relationship as you do. If building a family is the goal, find someone that would also love to build a family. If it is someone that wants to wait a long time before children or even do not want kids, find that same person. There is a difference when finding and marrying a person because they like the same things you do, and finding that someone with the same relationship/family goals. To extend, there will always be people that like the shame shows, or like sports, or like to be chill, or like animals, etc…as you. They are great qualities to have when you first find someone. It will help when spending time with each other. My husband and I like some of the same things and some we do not. Before we got married, we made sure we laid down what we see ourselves doing in the future and what we will be contributing into the family we would build. The key point is finding someone that has the same future goal(s). That is what builds up the marriage into something that will last forever.

5. You need to know to use your mind as well as your heart when you choose a spouse.

Funny thing about this advice; my aunt told me this same thing when I was dating my husband now. She told me, “60-40, 60% listen to your mind, 40% listen to your heart,” (that may not be the right percentage, but it was close to it). This basically means, to listen to your mind mostly than your heart. Sometimes our hearts can trick us because making decisions based on feelings can cloud a better judgement. Always think things through, communicate, and plan. What the heart says is very temporary. It can pitter patter to every little thing, any little nice thing or affectionate thing, and can pity someone just enough to marry them. A heart does deceive sometimes. It is also very fickle.



Hello world!

Hi! My name is Jannine. This actually isn’t my first blog. I have been going around to different sites figuring out which webpage is easy and fun to use. One of my friends on Facebook started a blog on Word Press and I wanted to see the format of how these pages worked. So far I like it!

I started blogging really to practice on my writing skills. I have so many thoughts and it’s so much harder to put them on paper (in this case just writing) than me saying it to someone. I’m not particularly great at English. If you knew me personally it not my first language. English wasn’t my best subject at school either…on a side note I think it’s funny that my mom is pretty good at grammar but can’t speak English very well and has an accent. While I can speak better but terrible at English grammar. Seriously, what’s up with that…anyways, I loved writing stories when I had the time. I still have stories not finished on my computer file waiting to get typed. Getting older I needed more of a outlet for the stress going on around me. I used to keep a journal when I was younger. A couple in fact. Getting older I’ve had a few journals promising to write on them daily, but never do. Then blogging came and it’s been a bit easier to write about what’s going on in my mind.

This blog is going to be random. Mostly about relationships and love (which you will learn I am a hopeless romantic). I also have an interest in it since it is a career path of mine to become a marriage/family therapist. I’ll be talking about my family. Recently, we just had our first baby. Which I will be writing a lot about our boy and the journey of my pregnancy soon. A couple things about my health and fitness. It’s always a struggle to get in shape when you LOVE food like I do. I will also writing things about my life as a Milso. My husband has been in the navy for 4 years now. I can give my input on how a military spouse can save a marriage or talk about the struggles we face as a family.

It’s going to be fun! I hope you all read and like. (For all you grammar Nazis. I already apologize ahead of time. Like I said in the beginning of this post. I am terrible at English and I am a bit dyslexic. I am hoping to improve my writing by keeping this blog active. I do go back and keep rereading what I write because I always find something to edit.)

Happy blogging!
