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Be The Best You This New Year

I hope everyone had a great New Year’s holiday! Mine was pretty laid back. We had a couple of our friends over for dinner, and of course played video games all night (Star Wars: Battlefront). {If you have not gotten the hints, our family is into video games. More recently we’ve been back into gaming because really good games have come out these past few months. I would recommend checking out Fallout 4, Star Wars: Battlefront, Tom Clancy’s :Rainbow Six Siege, Until Dawn (only for Playstation 4), and Destiny: The Taken King.}

Before I talk about what my goals are this year I would like to share this quote.

A friend of mine posted this one her Instagram, which then I had to borrow for this blog today. This makes a great point! We need to learn from the previous year and grow to reach a better goal for the next. Instead of saying, ‘New Year’s Resolution’ I will be mentioning it as ‘goals.’ I will be striving for a better me this year. Do something different in my life to grow and help grow with those around me. I welcome all of you to join with me in achieving your goals this year. Become a better person for you and those around you.

With that, I want to share my goals for this year (with no particular importance to the order). Instead of one thing, because I wanted to really challenge myself. I’ve got about five things I want better myself with. I hope that it can give you guys some ideas on your goals this year as well.

  1. Read more books. This is probably the top five most pick every year, but it’s true. Having social media has really strayed us away from the basics of learning. I want to be a good example for my son. I want him to learn the way I had to growing up before technology took over. I already found a “Reading Challenge” list I found someone sharing off of Facebook. I am currently achieving ‘a book you previously abandoned,’ which is Grey by E. L. James (which I bought right after I got out of the hospital, from giving birth to our son, thinking I was going to have time to read it). I finished, ‘a book you can finish in a day,’ which I did two for reading Maximum Ride by James Patterson (a graphic novel version of the books). I also added a few book topics to the list of things to read, ‘a series of books, a book you read when you were younger, a graphic novel and/or Manga, and a book that was made into a movie or show.’ {I may have more to add as the year progresses}
  2. 920702_1626451044297752_79268176943036961_o
  3. Another pretty cliché goal, is to be fit and healthier this year. That also means to eat healthier. Every year I always make this a goal of mine, because one of my many weakness is of my self-conscious body. Way back when I really started to be self-conscious, I was more worried about looking good. Now, as I get older I want to be healthy so I can be around for my son. I know a lot of illness run in my family and I want to make sure I can avoid them if not lessen most of them. Not going to lie, but some of the motivation is still for me to look better for myself. Giving birth to my son really slowed down losing weight for my body, so I have to work twice as much to have any effect. I was doing pretty well right after I got out of the hospital (I worked out with low intensity each day), and took a few weeks off so my body can recover from the birth. When the holiday started I was slowing down on my routine because we had a lot of visitors come and go. {Which is pretty much what happens to most people during the 3 month holiday season} Now, I’m trying to pick back up again, working out about 2 times a day to catch up; my routine is to work out about 6-5 times a week and usually rest on the weekends. As for my eating habits, I’m going back to eating smaller portions and stopping when my stomach says, ‘it has had enough.’ I’m going to make sure that this year around I will try to work a better system so I don’t slack off doing the holiday season.
  4. I want to write more. Fall 2015, I decided to put the time (and money) into this website. In hopes to maybe help bring in some money with more viewers. {Since I’m a stay at home mom going to school, and with a military  paycheck coming in is not much for our little family.} Mostly, I needed something to improve my writing skills. When I first started this website, I wrote a blog post about my english and grammar skills. I’m using this as a journal and a ticket to practice writing. Having a tangible journal only works for a couple of weeks for me. This way, having a website will give me a better push if I make deadlines for myself to write a couple times a week.
  5. Lastly, I really want to explore more this year. I want to get out of the house and get lost in the world. Not that my husband and I are hermits. We usually go out on the weekends because he works during the week. It’s harder with our son because he just has so much stuff we have to take. I also hate taking him in public for too long if he’s being a hot mess that day. Since he will be getting older this year and hopefully be walking around. I hope to go out on more family adventures. Having my son really motivates me to do more for him. I want to teach him things that I never knew. I want to show him different places in hopes one day he sees more than I ever have.

With that, I hope I’ve given you all some ideas for your goals this year. Some other topics that are popular are maybe cutting back on a certain food that’s not particular health for you. Some people make it a goal to maybe visit church more, or be more spiritual attached then they were before. Maybe it’s your plan to have a baby this year (if you do I pray that you and your partner best wishes). Maybe you’re addicted to something and would like to make an achievement to finally cut that habit out of your life (if so I pray that God can give you the strength to do so). What ever you choose to be your goal. {Pray on it. Let God guide the right path for you.} Let the goal fit to what is best for you. Make little goals. Having big ones are harder to accomplish in less time and they can be over whelming. Give yourself time and a chance to achieve them. Everyone is going to have something different or make that same goal different in their own way. Let’s make it another W O N D E R F U L year full of new memories! Be the best you!!!


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